Yeah!!!! (Long with Audi content)
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at
Tue Apr 9 11:57:55 EDT 2002
Under the black rain diverter there are two heater core pipes (in & out)
sticking out of the side of the heater core/blower box. That's where your
heater valve hose ends up. Held in place with a hose clamp. You have to
take off the wiper blade arm to get the rain diverter free.
At 08:22 AM 04/09/2002 -0400, Beatty, Robert wrote:
>or How I fixed a broken heater control valve with a flatblade screwdriver, a
>razor knive, and a 19mm combo wrench
>hehe :)
>Over the past few days noticing im starting to loose coolant, when I was
>driving in town the temps would climb. Ment to put water in and find the
>leak but was in a hurry on Sun and forgot to. (Oops!) Driving home from
>work yesturday afternoon when it started happening again, so I pulled into a
>gas station to fill up water and find the leak. Open the hood and water is
>leaking from the back of head. From the blasted heater control valve, which
>some genius in Audi had made out of plastic instead of metal. It had
>separated into 2 halves, so I tried to push it back together to see if it
>would hold till I got home. Nope. Sigh. Ok what tools do I have. Gas
>station guys say they have nothing! Great. Open the hatch and look in the
>spare tire well. Hey cool! I did leave the tool kit in. So now I have a
>flat blade screwdriver, a razor knife I had in there and a 19mm wrench I
>found under the drivers seat (Hmmm wondered where that was :) ). I also had
>a small fish tank in the back with the various plastic piping for the
>filter. I figuring I could just splice that in and take out the valve until
>I got it home. Go up to the front of the car and loosen the left side hose
>clamp for the valve. Comes off nice and easy. Go to loosen the right side
>clamp and it wont budge. At ALL! Crap! So now what? I pull on the slack
>of hose coming out of the firewall from the heater core. Hmmm, I think it
>will reach, esp if this aquarium piece can be spliced in. Ok, I slice off
>the offending clamp and other half of the valve as close as I can to the
>end. I try to test fit the aquarium piece in, nope its too big no way its
>gonna fit. NUTS! So now I'm 25 miles from home, really really REALLY dont
>want to spend the $$$ for a tow and I have no way to get any parts or better
>tools. Looking at the left half of the broken heater control valve I see
>the stem the hose connects to is about 2" long from the tip to the base.
>Hmmmm, if I could just break off this stem from the base I could piece it
>(Here is where I get really creative)
>Taking the screwdriver and using the 19mm wrench as a hammer, I punch holes
>all around the base of the stem and break it free from the rest of the
>valve. Clean up the edges and VIOLA! I have a splice now! Ok, now I need
>another hose clamp because one of the 2 was stubborn and wouldnt come off.
>Hmmmm. Lets take a look around the car. Nope, none in the spare parts
>stuff in the back. Looking under the hood, thinking what doesn't have alot
>of pressure and can take a cruise home with no clamp? The ISV valve! Its
>only some vaccuum/air pressure in low amounts. I pulled off one of the
>clamps and put the splice in place. Filled up the radiator and things
>looked good. Drove home and had no problems with temp.
>Spoke with dad about the valve to confirm what I thought it was for and I
>was right. It controls hot water flowing to the heater core and is normally
>open except when running the AC. Hmmm, well I can let it sit till at least
>the weekend and I should be able to do something more then.
>Driving to work this morning.... Temps are high. Uh-oh. Maybe my splice
>broke or loosened up? Look under the hood. Nope! Damn! When I cut one of
>the wire ties holding the 2 heater core hoses together, I must have nicked
>the hose. Its now leaking about 3" from the splice! Grrrrrr. Thinking,
>well I have a full jug of water and theres gas stations on the way. I fill
>up and get to work. I'll go out this afternoon and completely take the
>heater core out of the circuit. That should keep me running till I can get
>parts and stuff.
>Sooooo, now that I have related how good I feel about my side of the road
>repair. :) I need to know something. Anyone know if the heater core hoses
>are easy to remove from the car WITHOUT pulling the blower assembly out? I
>have BTDT before and have NO desire to do it again if I dont have to.
>Thanks for any help and for reading my ramblings :)
>86 5ktq (almost alive!)
>89 200tqa (almost dead!)
>94 Hyndai Excel (prolly will never die!)
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