Auto boxes

cobram at cobram at
Sun Apr 14 01:10:57 EDT 2002

 "ccohen5" <ccohen5 at> writes:

> read this list, there are still so many that do not understand how
> small a minority we are.  Your comments are particularly relevant to
the US

I do a bit of traveling, and in most countries both first and third
world, traffic, especially in urban settings and in older towns gets
pretty dense.   Most people would much rather have an automatic
transmission if the price were right, even more so after they've driven
one.  There's also the problem of getting a decent power curve out of a 1
liter or less engine with conventional automatics.  I talked with a local
car dealer (I'm in Southern Italy at the moment, where most of what you
encounter on the road would fit in the trunk of a Crown Vic and the
"streets" are as wide as US sidewalks) and they say they've been getting
quite a bit of orders for the new CVT transmissions in cars such as the
Opel Corsa, aka Chevrolet Corsa in South America (size of a Geo Metro.)
We're more of a minority in that we choose our cars by different criteria
than many, most view them as they would a new toaster or blender, just
another appliance, the easier to operate, the more reliable and economic
the better.  "Quattro?  What for, it doesn't snow around here...."  sadly
a quote from a veteran tech I encountered.  If I never see another Audi
80 it'll be too soon, they outnumber all other Audi's 100/1 in these


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