system pressure leakdown

Jon Boyer jonboyer at
Tue Apr 16 16:10:31 EDT 2002

On other CIS cars (VW) I have seen the return line damaged where it runs
along the underbody.  It is a rather stout steel line, but sloppy jack work
can damge them.  I have tried with little success to clean out WU
regulators.  Other areas to check is the check valve located at the fuel
pump and the fuel pressure accumulator.

good luck

>From: Ben Swann <bswann at>
>Reply-To: "bswann at" <bswann at>
>To: 'Graham Thackrah' <gthack at>
>CC: "'quattro at'" <quattro at>,
>"'quattro at'" <quattro at>
>Subject: RE: system pressure leakdown
>Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 13:06:45 -0400
>No, not too late as I am still having problems.
>Perhaps total leakdown both control and system sides is normal, but there
>was something seemingly flaky going on with the control pressure.
>I wanted to verify system check valve not leaking, which Probst alludes to
>checking first.
>I put all new O-rings on the system pressure regulator check valve.  Did
>this 2X because I had gotten the inner and outer mixed up the first time,
>ruining the outer.
>Now I get about 85%system pressure(was 90 PSI) on both sides(same with the
>correct o-ring placement as with the previous botched job), so I attribute
>this to something I did wrong, but can't figure what exactly.  The outer
>O-ring is a sloppy fit and tends to slip out of the seat on the shaft when
>inserted.  Anyway, now  I am sure the correct o-rings in the right spot,
>but it is screwed up worse than before I touched the check valve.
>Maybe the system is totally blocked now at the c.p. regulator. Pump on ->
>system pressure.  When the pump is off,  pressure still equal on both sides
>and drops to about 50 PSI.
>I am going to check the screens on the c.p. regulator this afternoon.  How
>much insanity is disassembling and cleaning it.
>Probst also suggests a blocked return line.  where might it get blocked?
>What else should I be looking at?
>Thanks for the support!
>On Tuesday, April 16, 2002 6:02 AM, Graham Thackrah
>[SMTP:gthack at] wrote:
> > Hello Ben,
> >
> > Sorry if this is a bit late, I took a look through Probst's FI book and
> > shows a plot in there with system pressure rapidly falling to c. 3 bar
> > after shutdown, which it is supposed to hold for a few hours, but then
> > drops off to zero after a prolonged period of time "through various
> > leaks in the fuel system." I'm not sure if total leakdown overnight is
> > undefined behaviour for CIS systems. One place it did say to check on
> > systems suffering fast leakdown is the system pressure regulator, it has
> > O rings in it and you can buy a kit from the dealer with new ones in.
>Right I just got 2 kits today.  Used/abused the one I had last week.  Of
>course the Bently blowup does not show detail, and the kit has no
>instructions.  Almost lost that tiny c-clip that retains the shaft which
>has the outer(control pressure?).
> > Dodgy O rings in there could cause both control and system pressure
> > leakdown, one O ring seals off the return from the CPR and the other
> > system pressure return to the tank.
> >
> > hth,
> >
> > Cheerio,
> >
> > Graham.
> >
> > P.S. just in case - and sorry if this is teaching you to suck eggs! -
> > when testing cold control pressure you did disconnect the CPR heater
> > didn't you?
>  I got that wrong a few times when I was checking my own car
> > out but I think if you jumper the FP relay it also sends a feed to the
> > heater so you'll be testing warm CPR operation even though the engine is
> > not running.

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