Clunk from front suspension

Jon Boyer jonboyer at
Tue Apr 16 20:31:12 EDT 2002

You didn't mention how many miles are on your car, but did you check the
subrame mounts?


>From: Eyvind Spangen <eyvind.spangen at>
>To: quattro at
>Subject: Clunk from front suspension
>Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:16:48 +0200
>I have a strange noise coming from the front of my car (type $$). It
>usually comes when accelerating after a stop, just a *clunk* like
>something moves when the wheels start turning. If I start very gentle,
>the noise won't occur, but it clunks all other times.
>Driveshafts are almost new (35k miles), stabilizer & inner control arm
>bushings replaces, no play in tie rod ends or ball joints that I can
>The set screw for the UFO rotor is in place and just fine and tight,
>so it can't be the rotor moving on the hub either...
>This noise is really annoying, anybody BTDT?
>E. Spangen
>'90 Audi 200TQ 20v (godt parkert i l=E5ven uten skilter)
>'96 Sykkel, drevet av '81 fattig student

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