
Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed Apr 17 14:32:53 EDT 2002

At 4:18 PM -0400 4/17/02, Dave Pisciotta wrote:
>Subject Car:  1990 Coupe Quattro
>    Both my main and aux rads have been weeping for a while, and are
>beckoning me for replacement.  I was thinking of deleting the aux rad and
>replacing the main with something all aluminum like a Griffin by either
>grafting one in of similar dimensions, or having them build one up custom.
>Does anyone have experience with such a setup?  I'm trying to build in some
>extra cooling capacity as well as some engine bay space in anticipation of
>an eventual turbo swap. To boot, the Griffin rads on the summit racing
>website were all under 200 bucks for a nice looking product.  Pretty sharp
>contrast to the 700 or so that 2bennett wants.

Hi Dave,

I'd suggest that if you do replace the main radiator with an
aluminium one, have a radiator shop use the old one as a reference to
drill holes+weld on a pair of fittings for the aux radiator unit.  It
is probably worth asking them how much it would cost to fix up the
aux unit(or if it -can- be fixed up.)

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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