200q20v gearbox 016?

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Fri Apr 19 00:25:51 EDT 2002

Martin Pajak wrote:
>The US 200 q 20v uses 016 with 4:11 ratio.
>Check code on the tranny against ETKA which says 4:11 gears ar in AOB, AUP,

It should be a ADZ or ADY....

>To see if it swaps you need to check if the locker will slip in place of

Nice, I'll have to check that when the tranny is out of the 200.

>Splines on input shaft to the front diff will be deciding factors.
> >From ETKA look like there is a different part number for the pinion shaft
>even though both are 4:11 one with AP and the other with AT code letters.
>This does not mean the splines would be different, however no guarantee.

Yup, I saw that... I hope it's okay... I also noticed a difference in PNs
on the front diff driveshaft flanges, someting like 100 (mm) and 108 for
the 20v... hopefully the flanges are swappable as well, if not I'll use the
200's beefier inner CV joints.

>Why not just use torsen?

Huh! Me and a Tor$sen? Never :-)))) I just love the locker and I don't want
to use a Tor$sen...

>BTW you have to be careful of gear ratios.  They are designed for taller

Yup, I know that, this is why I'll move on to 16" rims with the
corresponding tire size and I'll swap the 200's speedo assembly in the
coupe to have everything right.

>Might throw your drivability out window with N/A motor.

Naaah, I'll do this swap when I swap the 3B into the coupe quattro... I
just wanted to have some taller gears, not especially for top speed (hey,
wanna go for a drive at 270km/h on the autobahn when I'm done with the
conversion? :-) ) but more for lower engine RPMs at cruising speeds... for
the moment I get 3500 RPMs at 120 km/h which is too high... I'd rather have
something like 3000 which is better for the noise level (not that I care of
a 5-banger's noise level!) and fuel consumption.

>Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot indeed,


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