I love my Valentine.

Richard Beels beels at technologist.com
Thu Apr 18 18:35:07 EDT 2002

Tell us all.....

At 12:27 04/18/2002,  Ed Birch was inspired to say:
> > Good story! I just recently updated my V1 to the latest program and have
> > found the Ka range to be allot better<snip>Don't believe a thing some of
> > these radar test websites tell you about the V1, they seem biased towards
> > the escort/passports....
>Rolf, the next time I stop in for work on my Audi, I'll relate to you how 'n
>why I don't get speeding tickets any more! To include the Highway Patrol
>clocking me 85MPH on I-40 thru Nashville last February.
>BTW, the transmission is working fine.  I'll be due for a gear oil change is
>a few weeks.


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