4kq Clutch

Richard J. Andrews tech at flashmail.com
Tue Apr 23 03:37:16 EDT 2002

get 6 ton jack stands and elevate the whole car..
take out the two rear subframe bolts to allow the transmission to come out
rent a good transmission jack, i'd stick with a sachs clutch kit try

'86 4kq
At 08:25 PM 4/22/02, you wrote:
>Well, I got my car back to the house and started disassembly per Robert
>Bentley.  Now, originally I had planned on removing everything up until the
>transmission and letting a shop just drop the trans and put the new clutch
>in.  But after spending all day (and I mean all day) underneath the car, I'm
>not so sure I can't complete the rest of the procedure.  I only have the
>upper bolts at the bell housing and the trans mounts to go.  My only issue is
>safely elevating the car high enough to move the trans out and also
>supporting the transmission on it's way down/out.  I've got the car fairly
>high, higher than I've ever had to  lift it, but it still won't clear the
>transmission.  Anyone have any suggestions?  Also, what options over stock do
>I have for a clutch?  I'm confident I can complete this with a little
>collective wisdom from this list.  Thanks for any and all help.
>87 4kq

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