4Kq Callaway turbo kit (was European Car Magazine: Project Audi Coupe GT...

auditude at get.net auditude at get.net
Tue Apr 23 11:01:27 EDT 2002

Does the Callaway setup put the turbo in a different location
than the MC exhaust manifold does?

I'm wondering if a smaller Sanden compressor would allow me to
keep it on the turbo side of the motor, while using an MC EM.

My guess is that the Callaway EM puts it somewhere else.

My understanding of the Callaway situation is that the VW
designs were sold to New Dimensions or somebody, while the
Audi designs were not.



On 23 Apr 2002 at 10:52, Bruce Bell wrote:

> Callaway included a custom cast exhaust manifold and new smaller AC
> compressor (Sanden). Kits went unavailable over 10 years ago. In 88 or
> 89 they were talking in terms of $6000 and 6 months for casting the
> EM. In all my years on this list, I've only run across 1 confirmed
> Callaway 4kq and heard rumors of another.  For that price and time,
> you could have a very nice MC conversion. Perhaps even with Java's
> efi.
> Bruce

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