4Kq Callaway turbo kit (was European Car Magazine: Project Audi Coupe GT...

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Tue Apr 23 20:33:34 EDT 2002

At 10:01 23/04/2002 -0700, auditude at get.net wrote:
>Does the Callaway setup put the turbo in a different location
>than the MC exhaust manifold does?

Don't think so....

>I'm wondering if a smaller Sanden compressor would allow me to
>keep it on the turbo side of the motor, while using an MC EM.
>My guess is that the Callaway EM puts it somewhere else.

I don't think so for the second time as it couldn't be put on the other
side unless they went to a cross-flow head design, which the certainly
didn't do.
You could use a much easier design than the MC EM as that type of EM
involves bending the RF tie-rod. You could simply use a 5000 turbo diesel
manifold and turbo (small K24 that puts out all its boost at 2k RPM)
because the td's turbo has an integral wastegate which doesn't need a MC
manifold, nor bending the RF tie-rod. That's what Mike Gough used in his
car at least and I know for sure it works well even with the stock CIS-E.

>My understanding of the Callaway situation is that the VW
>designs were sold to New Dimensions or somebody, while the
>Audi designs were not.

Dunno about this one... but it was my 0.02 cents worth of opinion :-)


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