subject line mingling

Brandon Rogers brogers at
Tue Apr 23 14:21:26 EDT 2002

Your point is well made-I did accidentally "mingle-mangle" your subject
line.  However it seems to me, and others on this list, that the archives
are horribly inefficient because the topic changes so often when the subject
line does not.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett Dikeman" <brett at>
To: "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: subject line mingling

> At 10:11 AM -0600 4/23/02, Brandon Rogers wrote:
> >The problem with this is that it makes archive searching almost
> >Virtually every topic starts with an idea and it morphs into a stream of
> >consciousness so that many of the posts _don't_ really relate to the
> >heading.  It seems to me people should change the heading to reflect the
> >actual content.  That way archives can be searched and there may be fewer
> >rehashes.  Just my thoughts....
> You just perfectly proved my point :-)
> You changed the subject line(accidentally, I'm guessing, from
> "mangling" to "mingling"), and now the thread is broken, because your
> email client doesn't support threading information headers(you're
> using Outlook.)  If someone goes to read my original message in the
> archives, they'll find no link between my message and your reply.
> The issue here is not changing the subject line when the subject of
> the message changes; the issue is people changing the subject line,
> mostly by accident or because they don't realize the implications it
> has for the archives...
> Brett
> --
> ----
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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