type44 idling musings & other topix

Eyvind Spangen eyvind.spangen at c2i.net
Sat Apr 27 00:38:22 EDT 2002

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002 19:12:54 +0000, you wrote:

>...as I removed the ISV, just below it is a red & green wire going to what
>looks like a sensor. (pardon my ignorance!) And it seems that's connected to
>the wastegate? Anyway, lots of gook and oil, I figure I'll disconnect,
>clean, reattach. Broke off just from barely touching it! OOPS! So whatever
>that sensor does, it does no more! What is that gizmo?
>The car runs fine, full 1.3-4 boost, btw.

It's probably the temperature sensor for the injector cooling fan..

E. Spangen
'90 Audi 200TQ 20v (godt parkert i låven uten skilter)
'96 Sykkel, drevet av '81 fattig student

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