---Problem solved--- Over tightened lug nut problem 90 sport 90 q

Rob Andrews randrews at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 26 20:01:23 EDT 2002

You shouldn't use anti sieze on lug nuts.  When lubrication is applied, you
won't achieve proper torque values when torqueing the bolts....

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of John Stanton
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 5:59 PM
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: ---Problem solved--- Over tightened lug nut problem
> 90 sport 90
> q
> Problem solved!  I finally got the nut off and boy was it
> stuck.  Procedure
> is as follows:  Pound real copper penny (several were used in
> different
> attempts )thin with hand sledge. Insert thinned penny into
> socket side and
> hammer socket onto damaged lug nut.  Presto, Your ready do
> start breaking
> things.  Here is the damage left in its wake.
> 1 Proto 17mm deep 1/2 drive socket cracked
> 1 Craftsman 17mm deep 3/8 drive socket cracked
> 1 Craftsman 3/8 drive ratchet spewed its innards out through
> a hole in the
> housing (guess that 3ft pipe was too much)
> 1 S-K 17mm 3/8 drive socket cracked
> 1 S-K 1/2 to 3/8 drive reducer
> Thanks to those great no questions asked lifetime warrantees.
> After breaking all those sockets, I bought a set of impact
> sockets.  This
> was the winning combination.  And of course I smeared anti cease when
> reinstalling the lugs.
> Moral of the story get rid of the OEM lug wrench in trunk and
> don't wait
> several months without checking out what kind of torque the
> bone heads at
> the dealership (shop) applied to my wheels.
> Thanks for all the suggestions and support.  Remember there
> is no such thing
> as routine maintenance on our beloved Audi's.
> John
> 95 sport 90q
> 86 4kq in the hands of a fellow lister
> 84 Coupe GT Audi heaven
> 83 GTI motor ate a piston VW Heaven

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