90 200tqa IA mod 1.7 bar or 2.0

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 27 07:34:04 EDT 2002

  Robert, & listers,

  I got a chance to take a look at the car a little
and while driving I got 1.8 bar I've never seen 1.8
bar have gotten 1.7 but like I said never 1.8 so I'm
thinking that I have what Ned describes as the stageII
computer with 2.0 bar so there is something wrong
Ned suggested I look at the throttle switch and the
multi function switch,
 all so does it matter that I have a what was
described to me as a 1.7 bar spring instead of a 2.0
bar spring but Ned said that I should be gettin 2.0
bar with the stock spring any thoughts?
I'd like to pull the codes but not sure on how to do
it there are 3 connectors under the driver side panel
but I don't have the special connector to run the
codes there but I noticed the fuel pump relay under
the hood has the room for the fuse like on my 5ksq non
turbo run the codes plenty of times with that car but
never the 200
 it's dual knock sensor Mac 14 ECU any pointers on how
to do it?
 I've all so noticed that the check light doesn't come
on rite before start up so I probley don't have a bulb
behind the IP for it but I do have to change a few
light bulbs in there so It would need to come out
 besides unhooking the batterie ground strap what else
should I do to get the air bag from not going off when
I take the wheel off any input?
Thanks again
90 200tqa 203k IA stageI/II,1.7 bar/2.0?

--- Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org> wrote:
> At 08:29 PM 4/26/02, you wrote:
> >   Listers,
> >
> >   Just got off the phone with Ned at IA and was
> asking
> >a few questions about his stage II and III computer
> >mods
> >  I have his stageI 1.7 bar I bought from Chris
> Semple
> >and am looking for more power but he said that the
> mod
> >I should have is a 2.0 stageII I all so got a new
> WG
> >spring Chris said it was 1.7 bar spring Ned said
> that
> >I should have a 2.0 spring? and if so where can I
> get
> >one?
> >  Ned all so said that I should unplug the multi
> >function temp switch and drive around to see if I
> get
> >more than 1.7 bar or not is that recommended?
> If Ned says do it I'd say it's recommended.  Ned
> knows his business.  If he
> says it then it's a 99+% probability it's correct.
> >He all
> >so said that my throttle switch may be intermintant
> >I'll check that as well
> >  he said that even with the old WG spring I should
> be
> >getting 2.0 bar is that the case?
> >I hate to say it but he all so said that there
> should
> >be a purple or red buissnes card like sticker on
> the
> >ECU can some one who has a IA modded computer
> remember
> >or look to see if that's the case I can't remember
> and
> >my girlfriend has the car so I can't check.
> >  Any info on this would be great
> >Thanks
> >Ron
> >90 200tqa IA stageI,1.7 bar?
> >
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