90 200tqa IA mod 1.7 bar or 2.0
Brett Dikeman
brett at cloud9.net
Sun Apr 28 01:16:00 EDT 2002
At 6:34 AM -0700 4/27/02, Ron Wainwright wrote:
> Robert, & listers,
> I got a chance to take a look at the car a little
>and while driving I got 1.8 bar I've never seen 1.8
>bar have gotten 1.7 but like I said never 1.8 so I'm
>thinking that I have what Ned describes as the stageII
>computer with 2.0 bar so there is something wrong
>Ned suggested I look at the throttle switch and the
>multi function switch,
MFTS -could- be sending an overheat, but I don't think you'd get
anywhere near 1.7bar indicated if that was true; also, the AC would
stop working. On the 200q20v, for example, you get about 1.3 bar
because the ECU completely turns off the wastegate frequency valve.
> all so does it matter that I have a what was
>described to me as a 1.7 bar spring instead of a 2.0
>bar spring but Ned said that I should be gettin 2.0
>bar with the stock spring any thoughts?
Well, at least on the 200q20v, the computer display changes to being
"scaled"; 1.8 bar indicated is actually much more, since you have a
different pressure sensor. If Ned thought you were saying you had an
external gauge and it was reading 1.7, that might be one source of
Also, Bentley specifies a boost test of 4th gear, 2k rpms...nail it,
and you should get full boost by around 3k. I thought I wasn't
getting full boost once and something was amiss, until I tried it.
>I'd like to pull the codes but not sure on how to do
>it there are 3 connectors under the driver side panel
>but I don't have the special connector to run the
200's have the slot on the FPR, but it doesn't dump the codes. See
SJM's site for the pinout on those 3 connectors down below; you can
hook up a test lamp and jumper two terminals to get the codes. If
the bulb is in the dash, basically, you just need a small piece of
wire(paper clip will do in a pinch, BTDT :-)
> I've all so noticed that the check light doesn't come
>on rite before start up so I probley don't have a bulb
>behind the IP for it but I do have to change a few
>light bulbs in there so It would need to come out
Only California cars had the check engine bulb installed.
> besides unhooking the batterie ground strap what else
>should I do to get the air bag from not going off when
>I take the wheel off any input?
Taking the wheel off...hmm. Probably does make things easier :-)
It is a -major- PITA to get the cluster in+out without removing the
wheel, but it can be done...after a lot of cussin' and fussin'.
BTDT, 3 times, and it's still not "easy" for me.
"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
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