Future Audi Content

Mike Arman armanmik at n-jcenter.com
Mon Apr 29 13:01:37 EDT 2002

Several months ago, I went round and round with Blaupunkt - I have one of
their not-terribly good am-fm-cd players in my 86 5KS. The radio has a
touch-volume control, except that when I touched it, the entire unit would
shut off, sometimes also losing all the presets.

"Oh, the CPU is bad, not repairable, you need to buy a new unit."

"It's less than a year old, it cost $150, it isn't a consumable, and it is
under warranty, it should be repaired or replaced."

"No, the warranty expired, you're on your own."

"No, the complaints started LONG before the warranty expired - this unit
has ALWAYS had a problem, check your records . . . "

Anyway, after the application of SERIOUS pressure, letters to the
Fatherland (Bosch owns Blaupunkt), complaints to FTC and Florida Division
of Consumer Protection, and several more, Blaupunkt finally decided that
the ONLY way to shut me up and keep me from making any more serious trouble
for them would be to repair the existing unit. Finally, and with poor
grace, they did. Aside from I'll NEVER buy another Blaupunkt anything as
long as I live, and I will advise anyone who will listen (or doesn't get
out of the way in time) of my experience, the repaired unit is now acting
up AGAIN, and in the same way.

Fast forward to three weeks ago. Other car is a 323, wife drives the hell
out of it. It has a $70 bargain basement Audiovox am-fm-cd player in it,
installed one year plus one week ago. That means it is JUST out of
warranty, and of course, it died.

Called Audiovox (Happauge, NY) and practically fell out of my chair "Sure,
send it in. We have a customer care policy and we honor your warranty at
least 30 days after it officially expires. We'll fix yours or replace it,

And they did. Eight days round trip, no questions asked, just please
include a copy of the original sales ticket. Sumbitch works, too.

Guess what brand of am-fm-cd player is going into my Audi when the
Blaupunkt finally dies? (Or even before, if I get annoyed enough about it.)

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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