
Richard Beels dare2dream at
Tue Apr 30 16:43:49 EDT 2002

The key is the red NEXT button in the top right corner...

Click Audi or VW and then the year.
Click the next button.
Pick the model from the pop-up table, see the pic on the left.
Click the next button.
Pick the assembly grouping from the table, the pic changes.
Click the next button.
Pick the assembly group, the pic changes again.
Click the next button.
Now, you should be at the listing of the individual parts shown in the
picture.  You can click the part # to get a price but it won't be much use
to you (unless you live in Russia, I suppose).

The top-left drop down allows you to pick albums from different manufs, eg.
Honda Toyota, BMW, Mahle.....

At 15:24 04/30/2002,  Brian Roth was inspired to say:
>Does anyone know how to use this site? The language is Russian? I was told I
>could use it to get blow up tranny diagrams.


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