team doorhandle strikes yet again

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at
Fri Aug 9 16:44:09 EDT 2002

From: Mike Arman <>

Team doorhandle got me!

86 5K Unlocked car from driver's door, wife grabbed outside passenger door
handle before locking system had finished cycling, door didn't open, so she
squeezed harder, plastic rod end popped off the little ball.

Remove interior panel, pop plastic rod end back onto ball, (fix window
while I'm there - a drain hole was clogged, there was an inch of water in
the bottom of the door, the cable on the window mechanism is rusted -
replace with spare motor and cable assembly, lubricate everything),

Maybe yours is adjusted to far/not enough via the threaded rod causing it to
pop. Also this R&R can be done throught the handle hole. No need to remove
the interior, except to drain the water!  BTDT many times.  The Craftsman
aluminum pick set, about $15, is very helpful/nessesary for this job.  I use
the hook to place the rod in position and another to snap the ball joint

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