Stoopid E-bayers...

james accordino ssgacc at
Mon Aug 19 19:22:47 EDT 2002

"don't give a f*ck, got a heater in my truck"....IOW
leave us alone, we're making money.

Jim Accordino-"rockin E-Bayer!"

--- Michael Riebs / Audi V8
<AudiV8 at> wrote:
> Final response from E-bay. I´m done with this one...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "eBay Customer Support" <rswebform at>
> To: "Michael Riebs" <mriebs at>
> Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 5:05 PM
> Subject: Re: eBay SafeHarbor Department MO91008
> (KMM58786176V90982L0KM)
> Hello,
> Thank you for taking the time to send us this
> additional information.
> Michael, I do understand your concern about the
> possible connection
> between these members.  Since eBay does take
> complaints like yours very
> seriously, I hope that you understand our need for
> conclusive evidence
> linking members before we can take action.  With
> that in mind, I have
> found that there is not enough evidence to show that
> that members are
> connected. However, I understand your concern about
> this situation, and
> can reopen the investigation if any additional
> information can be
> provided.
> Michael, thank you for your continued concern about
> the safety of our
> eBay community.
> Regards,
> Lilith
> eBay Motors
> SafeHarbor Investigations Team
> ______________________________
> eBay
> Your Personal Trading Community (tm)
> *******************************************
> Important: eBay will not ask you for sensitive
> personal information
> (such as your password, credit card and bank account
> numbers, Social
> Security numbers, etc.) in an email. Learn more
> account protection tips
> at:
> _____________________________________________
> For our latest announcements, please check:
> _____________________________________________
> In order to better serve you, we'd like to
> occasionally
> request feedback on our service. If you would rather
> not participate, please click on the link below and
> send
> us an email with the word "REMOVE" in the subject
> line.
> If that does not work, please send an email to the
> email address below. Your request will be processed
> within 5 days.
> mailto:cssremove at
> *******************************************
> Original Message Follows:
> -------------------------
> Hi Lilith,
> Did you look into his former username, Hott Items?
> I did some investigating of my own, and found the
> exact time he switched
> from one username to another:
> His last auction as "Hott Items" user name:
> His first auction as "joeanthony1" user name:
> There! It's the same guy, with 12 complaints, doing
> business under a
> different user name.
> Here are all the items he sold in the past 30 days
> under the old  "hott
> items" user name:
> s&us
> erid=hott_items+&include=0&since=30&sort=8&rows=0
> Check it out!
> If it's blatantly obvious to us regular outsiders,
> then you
> professionals at
> E-bay ought to be able to see it too!
> Thanks.
> Michael L. Riebs.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "eBay Customer Support" <rswebform at>
> To: "Michael Riebs" <mriebs at>
> Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 10:59 PM
> Subject: eBay SafeHarbor Department MO91008
> (KMM58622129V92395L0KM)
> Hello,
> Thank you for writing to eBay to notify us of this
> situation.
> I understand your concern about this member's
> listings on our site.
> However, in accordance with our site policies, I
> have found that there
> is not enough evidence to show that a violation has
> taken place.
> However, I understand your concern about this
> situation, and can reopen
> the investigation if any additional information can
> be provided.
> Thank you for helping to keep eBay a fun and safe
> place to trade.
> Regards,
> Lilith
> eBay Motors
> SafeHarbor Investigations Team
> ______________________________
> eBay
> Your Personal Trading Community (tm)
> *******************************************
> Important: eBay will not ask you for sensitive
> personal information
> (such as your password, credit card and bank account
> numbers, Social
> Security numbers, etc.) in an email. Learn more
> account protection tips
> at:
> _____________________________________________
> For our latest announcements, please check:
> _____________________________________________
> In order to better serve you, we'd like to
> occasionally
> request feedback on our service. If you would rather
> not participate, please click on the link below and
> send
> us an email with the word "REMOVE" in the subject
> line.
> If that does not work, please send an email to the
> email address below. Your request will be processed
> within 5 days.
> mailto:cssremove at
> *******************************************
> Original Message Follows:
> -------------------------
> Form Message
> Subject: Please investigate a current listing for
> possible fraudulent
> activity. 52010384 #US $MO RD1
> Item: 1850221886
=== message truncated ===

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