FW: Fuel line replacement - part 2

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Wed Aug 21 12:23:05 EDT 2002

The gas coming out of the return line is normal as the fuel system up stream
drains.  It may seem like a lot, but it will eventually stop.

Hmmm. don't know about the fuel line diameter as I did not have this
problem.  The napa place that I got the brake line from had 3 or 4 different
racks of them in different diameters.  Maybe go back and get a different

Good luck


> ----------
> From: 	Radek[SMTP:radek at istar.ca]
> Sent: 	August 20, 2002 7:32 PM
> To: 	quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	Fuel line replacement - part 2
> Hello again.
> Thanks Stephane for your post.  I suppose you're right.  Once I'm there I
> might as well replace the whole length.
> Now the fun stuff.  Last night after work I got under the car and cut the
> leaking line just to get the job started.  Gas started gushing out and
> would
> not stop until I plugged it with a pencil.  I'm working on the return line
> so I expected some sort of check valve to be in place to prevent fuel from
> going the wrong way.  Nope!  Is there a trick I can use to prevent the
> whole
> *#$% tank from emptying itself on my head?
> Also, the existing fuel line is about 9 mm in diameter.  The brake line I
> got from the parts place is thicker, 3/8" and probably will not fit in the
> rubber hose it's supposed to connect to.  Should I go to the dealer to get
> a
> metric fuel line?  What are the standard sizes of fuel lines, anybody
> know?
> Thanks.
> Radek
> 88 90Q

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