diesels in USA (nac)

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 22 18:44:19 EDT 2002

There IS less gas per barrel than diesel.  The
"lighter" the product, the less is available.  New
diesels put out less "total" emissions than standard
gasoline engines to do the same work.  Not sure about

Jim Accordino

--- Steven Addy <steveaddy at earthlink.net> wrote:
> To the listers:
> Based upon limited experience at the low price end,
> it appears true that
> the new European diesels have addressed many of the
> old problems such as
> smell, noise, etc. with some success. However, after
> reading the Bosch
> speech/article, I'm left with a number of questions
> to address before I'm
> willing to consider jumping headlong onto the diesel
>  bandwagon.
> 1. Is the price of diesel fuel in Europe less than
> that of gasoline
> because the suppliers charge less or because it is
> taxed less?
> 2. Is it not the case that volume wise, there is
> more gasoline available
> from a barrel of crude than there is fuel oil?
> 3. If the demand for diesel fuel increases, will the
> price not increase
> as well?
> 4. In the US - if the demand for diesel increases
> while the demand for
> gasoline drops, is it not likely that the tax ratios
> will be changed, at
> least for autos?
> 5. Is it true that the new diesel engines actually
> discharge less total
> pollutants than new gasoline vehicles (ultra low
> emissions, etc)?  gallon
> vrs gallon? hp vrs hp? etc.
> I figure someone on the list can answer these
> questions or point me
> toward the answers.
> Thanks in advance.
> regards to all
> Steve Addy

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