non-quattro question - truck brakes

Rocky Mullin caliban at
Thu Aug 22 14:31:19 EDT 2002

	sorry for the off-topic post.

	i've got use of a dodge truck, with a cummins diesel power plant.
it's a nice big truck.  the brakes though, wow!  it's like stepping on a
sponge.  eventually in the pedal travel, the brakes work fine.  the guy
who owns the truck says no problem, he just hauled 4000 pounds into humbodlt
over a 60 miles of washboarded switchback roads.  we're towing a very small
travel trailer with it, and i was just looking for opinions.

  rocky mullin - chaotic good
  "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey,
   but spiritual beings on a human journey." -Some Guy

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