electric impact wrench

Dan Hamren dan at magnitude-electronics.com
Thu Aug 22 14:18:26 EDT 2002

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All I know is that the cheap $50.00 electric impact wrenches are not worth =
a damn.. I got one to do odd stuff ... I had used my contractors DeWalt ele=
ctrice Impact wrench to do some lag bolts into the wood on top of my founda=
tion.. MAN!! that thing Kicked BUT!!!.. So I spotted one at a traveling too=
l show and picked it up.. IT was a cheapo $50.00 Cummins (P.O.S. made in Ch=
ina)  I hate buying Chineese made products, but since I do stay away most o=
f the time, I don't feel too bad if I buy something made in China once in a=
 while.. Well anyway.. this thing SUCKS!! it won't even take off the lugs (=
82 foot LBs.) off my wheels... DANG!!..  bummer ... So.. don't make my mist=
ake... this thing was not even Close to the DeWalt one...

Dan Hamren    Redwood City CA
1990 Audi V8 Quattro Pearl  (His)
1996 Audi A6 Avant Q Pearl (Hers)
1988 Range Rover 3.5l ARB Billstein
"If everything seems under control,
Your just not going fast enough"
Mario Andretti

>How about an inverter and the impact wrench for changing tires and >wheel =
>-Scott in BOSTON

>>I was wondering if anyone had any experience
>>with using one of those electric impact


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