Factory Headlights....Which is best?

Wallace White wallace at stanfordalumni.org
Tue Aug 27 09:00:23 EDT 2002

Mike -

I swapped 5ks/100 euro lights into my 5kcstq with no fitment problems.
You need to swap the grille, the lights themselves, the corner markers,
and, at least with 100 euros, the chromed plastic trim above the bumper
(or else break off an offending screw tab). The engine bay fit is a
little tight: I had to trim some some plastic from the adjusters to
resolve an interference with the intake boot.

I don't know whether the 100 or 200 US lights are better--I'd guess it's
all to do with condition. I was a little let down when I put in my 100
euros, because (I later realized) the reflectors were in bad shape; they
had a more even pattern than the US lights but were no more bright. My
US lights had better reflector surfaces and pretty good lenses. But at
last I've resolved this with Steve Jensen-style chrome tape on my euro
reflectors--much better!

- Wallace
   '87 5kcstq 189k
   Menlo Park, CA

P.S. Anybody need a set of good condition 5kcstq/200 US lights? They're
just gathering dust.

mike mcclurg wrote:
> Or maybe I should ask....Which is the lesser of two
> evils?
> Here's the story. I drive an '89 100Q with the factory
> headlights. I have an '86 5kcstq parts car, also with
> factory headlights. I'm thinking of transferring the
> '86 lights to my '89. Main reasons are that the glass
> in one of my '89 headlights is not clear and the other
> one has broken adjusters.
> I'm sure I cannot just swap individual headlights (the
> turbo lights are thinner for one thing), but it does
> look like I can swap the whole piece across the front
> including the grill. Is that true?
> So, before I do it, are the '86 lights any better?
> Thanks,
> Mike
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