transmission oil guide

David Conner conner at
Thu Dec 12 10:42:11 EST 2002

One approach to getting the right oil is to buy from someone who knows.  I
recently bought a lot of RedLine from Scott Mockry (contact info on the
vendor listing), along with a few other parts and supplies.  It's always
good to know for yourself, but he's definitely someone I would trust to
advise on the right type, amount, etc.

An excellent source for fluid specs is Audi TSB# 009001         APR 90
 Vehicle - Fluid Capacity Chart
It includes a chart of various models, model years, etc with >all< fluid
specs.  I've seen this TSB on the AllData CD.  It is a scanned image...
legible but poor quality, and doesn't print very well.  If someone has
access to a more legible version of this TSB it might serve to get a
scanned image of it.
Dave C.

Brett wrote...
>This is a long lamented and argued topic,

Well, I dunno about arguments, but I do know it seems every other day
someone is asking "what oil do I use in my tranny and rear diff?"
Heck, -I- don't know what oil goes in my 200q20v's drivetrain

It is an important fluid change- and we need to document it better.
If people send me info, I'll compile it based on model(perhaps it can
be the start of a technical library on Audifans.)

List the car year, model, AND the tranny code...and then give the
part number/weight(along with the brand name of course ie Redline,
Amsoil, Audi OEM, etc.)  Be sure to specify if it is the rear diff or
transmission.  While you're at it, capacities wouldn't hurt :-)

Please double-check/confirm all information...


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