transmission oil guide - follow-up

David Conner conner at
Thu Dec 12 10:45:49 EST 2002

This is to add to the earlier post...
AllData also lists a newer TSB# 009801         MAY 98       Vehicle - Fluid
Capacity Chart
I haven't seen this one, but it would at least have the specs for newer
models than the 1990 TSB, and it might be a better quality image.
Dave C.

One approach to getting the right oil is to buy from someone who knows.  I
recently bought a lot of RedLine from Scott Mockry (contact info on the
vendor listing), along with a few other parts and supplies.  It's always
good to know for yourself, but he's definitely someone I would trust to
advise on the right type, amount, etc.

An excellent source for fluid specs is Audi TSB# 009001         APR 90
 Vehicle - Fluid Capacity Chart
It includes a chart of various models, model years, etc with >all< fluid
specs.  I've seen this TSB on the AllData CD.  It is a scanned image...
legible but poor quality, and doesn't print very well.  If someone has
access to a more legible version of this TSB it might serve to get a
scanned image of it.
Dave C.

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