innovative fuel delivery systems. was:Engine died on highway - wo n't re-start

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Fri Feb 1 17:41:53 EST 2002

Now THAT is innovation.  We don't need no steenkin' fuel distributor, eh?.
Reminds me of the good old (bad old) days when I was driving 60's and 70's
American iron.  Fuel pump dies? Hole in fuel lines? Punctured gas tank?
Solution is to rip out the windshield washer tubing and/or various
'unnecessary' vacuum lines.(can't go buy new stuff cuz you are a million
miles from anywhere)  and either:
a) use the windshield washer pump to pump fuel from a bottle (pop, beer,
wine, paint, whatever) sitting on the seat to the carburetor (you do
remember carburetors, eh?)
b) put the bottle on the dash and let gravity do it's thing to get the fuel
to the carb while a helper regulates the flow by pinching the hose.

Oh, my , this brings back memories....


> ----------
> From: 	Rave Racer[SMTP:Ravewar at]
> Sent: 	February 1, 2002 9:26 AM
> To: 	q-list; W-T_Audifans; Peter Berrevoets
> Subject: 	Re: Engine died on highway - won't re-start
>     I had this happen to me in my Jetta.  I don't know if yours has the
> Airflow plate in the intake boot like my Jetta and 4000 do.  I was doing
> 140
> way out in the boonys when the engine just quit on me.  I was pulled over
> on
> the side of the road with my freind cranking the engine when someone
> pulled
> up.  The stranger offered me help, but watched while I messed around with
> stuff.  I opened the intake boot and pulled out the air filter thinking it
> might be jammed up with something.  I started playing with the fuel
> distributor while my buddy tried starting it.  She fired right up.  The
> stranger had some stuff he was taking to the dump so I asked for the
> string
> from the venetian blinds.  I tied it to the plate and fed it out the top
> through a unused hole in the boot, out of the hood, through the passenger
> window and around to my shifting hand.  I drove it like that for two weeks
> until I could locate a replacement FI distributor.  I never did figure out
> what was wrong with that old distributor, but it's damn hard modulating
> your
> fuel flow by hand while driving.
>        Rave Racer
> '89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX
> '87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan
> '72 Triumph GT6
> '83 Toyota Tercel (yoda)     Possible future Sandrail donor...  Maybe
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jouko Haapanen <joukoh at>
> To: q-list <quattro at>; W-T_Audifans
> <w-t_audifans at>; Peter Berrevoets <pjberr at>
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 11:34 AM
> Subject: RE: Engine died on highway - won't re-start
> My UrQ did the same to me once...had me stumped for quite a while.  My
> problem was the pressed in vacuum hose fitting on the rear of the intake
> manifold from which the ECU and some other vacuum lines initiate.  The
> fitting seemed perfectly fine when viewed (trust me, I was poking around
> for
> a while), but once I took hold of it, it just slid out of the manifold.
> I pulled it out, cleaned it, and tapped it in with a rubber mallet.
> Worked
> like a charm, but only after being towed and spending an hour or so under
> the hood scratching my head and going through various component tests.
> I'd check and double check all vacuum fittings....
> Jouko Haapanen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> Behalf Of Peter Berrevoets
> Sent: February 1, 2002 11:24
> To: 2 W-T_Audifans; 1 Quattro List
> Subject: Engine died on highway - won't re-start
> Have tried searching the archives but not having much luck...
> While driving on the highway the other night, everything was going fine
> and
> then the engine just died at ~120 kph. Total loss of power, costed off at
> the next ramp and parked it. Nothing appeared to be amiss, pulled codes
> and
> got 2221 - intake manifold hose failure to ecu(shouldn't kill engine), and
> 2214 - engine over rev (not this trip), cleared them, cranked the engine
> and
> got the same codes again. Had it towed home :-(
> Kind of stumped, fuel in tank, lots of battery juice, cranks over fine
> (new
> battery), but just won't even hint at starting. Usually the code dump
> would
> give a hint, but they don't seem to make sense. Hose to ecu checks out
> fine
> but that shouldn't kill the engine, and over rev on starter cranking? go
> figure.
> Any ideas?
> Peter
> Peter Berrevoets
> 1990 200TQ
> 1989 200TQ - Donor
> Toronto, Canada

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