soundgate overload!

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sun Feb 3 20:08:25 EST 2002

At 10:00 PM -0500 2/1/02, Chuck Reisig wrote:
>     I also have a Soundgate adapter in my '90 V8 and initially had a
>similar problem.  You have to connect the head unit pre-outs to the
>Soundgate, or else you will overdrive it.  Using the line outputs, I
>couldn't turn the thing up past 9, it was too loud!!

Huh?  "Line outputs"?  That term is generally used to describe the
pre-outs.  Actually, the full term is "line level output."  You must
mean the speaker outputs.

>   Changing over to
>the pre-outs of the head unit it seems to work fine.

Hmm.  The soundgate adapter was clearly designed to work off the
speaker outputs.

I think I may have misunderstood the tech; I could have sworn he said
to put the 8 ohm resistors in line with the speaker outs from the
deck, but I'm getting this sneaking suspicion that he said/meant put
them in -parallel- with the adapter.  8ohms would be roughly the same
as a speaker, but the resistors are only 10W, they'd be 4x over their

I'll call them in the morning; its still doing the same stuff, if not
worse, with the resistors in series with the adapter(installed on the
+ side.)

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