[V8] Re: [200q20v] V8 and 200q20v difference

Michael L. Riebs michael at 1stchoicegranite.com
Tue Feb 5 11:39:01 EST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Rose" <pjrose at frontiernet.net>

> As I recall (and others have said the same) the V8 is slightly
> quicker (initially) from a standing start  as there is more low-end
> torque than the '91 20V, but the '91 200q catches up and is quicker
> once the revs are up.

I routinely am able to enter the expressway (motorway, for our European
listers) at the end of the ramp at 80Mph - Or at least the maximum posted
speed limit... (OK Keith?), which is a really nice feeling. I cannot do this
in my wife's '98 A6 Avant (don't know how this relates to the 200Q20V). Blew
the doors off several kiddie racers over the past few weeks... much to their
amazement! (Some "old" guy in a big luxury sedan... (37yo)).

> Highway fuel economy for the '91 200q will commonly be as high as 28+
> mpg, which is perhaps 30% higher than what I understand to be typical
> from the V8.

I get 22 - 23 Hwy, 16 - 18 City, pretty consistently.

Michael Riebs
Grand Rapids, MI
'90 V8Q
'98 A6QA

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