possible audi buy v8 quattro

Michael L. Riebs michael at 1stchoicegranite.com
Tue Feb 5 17:08:23 EST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Kramer" <skramer at mac.com>
Subject: possible audi buy v8 quattro

> a 1990 V8 with 122,000 $4,995 -

That's a very good price - if the car is in good shape. Keep in mind
"initial cost" vs. "total investment". If the initial cost is OK, but the
car needs much repair, the total investment could become quite high.

> Randy from Midtex in Plainfield , ill  says not to go over $3500 due to
> (cost > $2500 for replacing the timing belt.

This is rediculousely high! The dealer will do it for no more than $1000!

Michael Riebs
Grand Rapids, MI
'90 V8Q
'98 A6QA

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