re. Euro headlights????

Ben Swann bswann at
Wed Feb 6 17:21:34 EST 2002

Roger stated [It amazes me that this thread reappears continually.  It
further amazes me
that people have 5000/200 TQ cars without European headlamps and actually
drive them at night.  It is positively amazing to me that there are some
who claim no noticeable difference with European headlamps.]

I neither disagree or agree entirely - what I was implying, is that:

1) Although Eurolight lenses are better, what really make the noticable
difference is the Wattage and that they are properly relayed.

2) They are far too expensive too justify in most cases.  A set of halogen
driving lights does a good - perhaps better, perhaps not as good - of a job
for far less.

3) They are not trivial to install properly.

Just my opinion - and it is not like I haven't seen what properly set-up
Eurolights can do.  I have also seen what properly set-up driving lights
can do at far less expense and easier to install.  Get me a set of 200
Eurolights with relays for $300 and I'll send a check for them right away (
as soon as I finish paying for the other performance upgrades first).


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