"rear fog light lusers" Was:e: !@#$% "driving" lights

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 6 16:13:37 EST 2002

That's kind of funny.  I'd seen this new Jaguar (XJR?
maybe) a few times and the brake lights were ALWAYS
on.  So I'm thinking "boy that's f'ed up, a brand new
car and the brake light switch is shot or something."
Then last night I passed them on a mall access road.
2 old f at arts with their "driving lights" blazing.  And
I MEAN blazing!  And this road has street lights.  And
stores.  Hell, you could read a book out there.  THEY
drive like that ALL the time!

Jim Accordino

--- BenediktRochow at oaktech.com wrote:

> road all the time. Which is where my and Mr. Riebs'
> response to "driving
> lights give me the same result" came from. Part of
> my point is also that
> what you wrote above is something that many people
> need to be told.
> (Cue "rear fog light lusers" thread)
> -gbr

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