K24 on 1.8T, new topic, twin engine MTM TT

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at ummhc.org
Thu Feb 7 07:24:48 EST 2002

I'll second that statement Javad.

I once saw in some unusual magazine, a VW Rabbit with a 911T motor in it in
some sort of weird tilting rear mounting that allowed the rear of the car to
be lifted up off the engine.  It had over 900hp (supposedly) and was
expected to hit something like 180 mph or something ridiculous like that.


-----Original Message-----
From: JShadzi at aol.com [mailto:JShadzi at aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 10:13 PM
To: mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: K24 on 1.8T, new topic, twin engine MTM TT

Oh Geez, any thing's possible with the right amount of money  =)  Its
impressive, thats for sure, but considering MTM built it, its right about
I suppose.  No way to tell for sure, but I guarantee they are using some
special turbos to get 300+ hp out of those motors.


 Now what do you say about MTM's new TT with twin engines it's, called
 "Bimoto"...as the engines have to break in they "only" put out 326 HP each
 or 652 HP both but when they are broken in, they will be putting out a
 total of 1003 HP (501.5 each)!!! Well, of course, they are 2 liters
 engines, not 1.8s anymore but who gives a s*** anyway? This car will be
 terrible! I can't wait to rob a bank or win the lottery to be able to buy
 and abuse this car :-)))


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