Rear E Brake Help??
Tony Lum
tlum at
Sat Feb 9 08:55:15 EST 2002
At 04:05 AM 2/9/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I was just into one last week and tried removal of the threaded rod with no
>luck. How did you do that? I removed the retaining ring and thought it
>should just pull out. I did not want to damage the threads. I ended up
>buying a rebuilt but wanted to see if I could repair the old one first with
>nothing to lose except my tinkering time.
>Subject: Re: Rear E Brake Help??
Hi Tim,
I'm rebuilding a set of V8 calipers were the threaded rods did pop right
out. However, I've got a 4kq rear caliper where the screwdriver trick just
doesn't work.
Its my thought that a slide hammer is the way to go. It will require a
spare brake piston which I intend to get at the local wrecking yard. You
drill a hole through the center of the piston and tap it to match the slide
hammer's shaft. Then spin the modified piston onto the threaded rod until
it appears well engaged and chuck the caliper in a vise. Then attach the
slide hammer and have at it, starting lightly at first. Increase the
intensity till the rod comes out.
Tony Lum 1987 5000CS
Turbo Quattro
Berkeley, California, U.S.A. 1987.5 Coupe GT
Audi Owner/Driver/Mechanic by Necessity ;^) 1985 4000CS Quattro
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