2 Possible Lister Sightings...

Steve Sprague ssprague at nmgovlaw.com
Mon Feb 11 14:47:29 EST 2002

Hi All,

	Sorry for using up some bw, I had seen two pretty nice Audi's on the road
and around my parts of the country.

	First sighting was in Sacramento, CA at the Pep Boys in Rancho Cordova (a
suburb of Sac) in the evening.  It was a 90-93 V8, dark color with
Washington plates, Driver was looking for NGK plugs for it.  Not sure why
NGK, I would assume Bosch or something German.  (Of course I don't own a V8
and not sure what plug is spec'd,)

	Second sighting was in Fairfax, CA on Sunday morning.  A Nice Red Urq with
white R8's, most likely an 84-85 with Euro H4's in the grill.  It had a
slight exhaust sound, like a leak or rusted hole.  A question for the
experts, what year were the rear spoilers painted on the urq's?  This one
was body color and it had Oregon plates with a roof rack (I think Yakima)
with ski mounts.  A very good looking example and it stood out of the yuppy
crowd of SUV/BMW/MBZ's.  Really nice.

	If these were possible listers, it'd be nice to know that you're around my
parts.  As for me, I parked next to the V8 in the parking lot in my black 84
4kq with Yakima roof rack and bike mounts.


84 4ksq  (Happy with the new clutch master cylinder)

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