100CSQ Auto Tranny question & Bose system

Sean Ford audi_92_100cs at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 12 07:24:12 EST 2002

I can't help you with the auto tranny question, but the Bose system is
able to accept a CD changer.

You could either try and track down the compatible Audi changer, in
which case it's a simply plug'n'play situation, or you could go the FM
modulated route. The FM modulator changers invade your system through
the FM band, and the result is a lost FM preselect. I have the FM type
system (it was an Xmas gift), though I wish I had the compatible

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--- Robert Manger <Robert_Manger at Mastercard.com> wrote:
> My car has the bose system which seems to be ok in regards to sound
> quality, but I would like to add a cd changer or at least an in dash
> cd player.  Is it possible, some how I think not, but it is worth a
> try.

Sean Ford
audi_92_100CS at yahoo.com
'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd non-q
'00 Triumph Daytona 955i
'89 Suzuki Katana 600

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