Cheapo V8 light look...

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Tue Feb 12 13:00:18 EST 2002

Hey all,
Did a little bit of browsing on the Rennlist 944 boards today, and found
something interesting.  A couple of the guys on that board have painted
their taillight assemblies red, to get rid of the amber turn lights in
the rear.  Apparently, Testors makes a translucent enamel in red, that
can be used on the lights, colors them red, and doesn't block much light
at all.
The paint is called transparent candy cherry red, or transparent candy
apple red, and comes in a spray can.  I thought this might be a nice
little tidbit for those of you who don't want to drop the money to buy
V8 taillights, but want to get rid of the amber band at the top of the
stock ones.
They said that the paint is available at wal mart for $2.79 a can.  I'm
going to head to my local one and grab a few cans, to try it out.
The guy who did it has a few pictures of his car up, and it looks pretty
nice.  The color looks good, and pretty even.  Might not be absolutely
perfect, but compared to the price tag for V8 lights, it seems pretty

Here's a link to the thread.

Good Luck!
Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90 CS
83' 944

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