Fuel tank sealing (Dead Puppy)

Huw Powell audi at mediaone.net
Thu Feb 14 01:53:22 EST 2002

> >I like the sealing idea.
> Depends where and how bad the leak is. I haven't looked
> into it yet; the mechanic diagnosed it for me.

just wanted to mention that years, many years ago my 83 5kt sprang a
nasty tank leak... reduced fuel econ. by 1/4 for a while (bad Huw!) and
made a nice hole in the landlords parking lot until the muffler guy made
me go fix it...

It was a weird out of the way operation, some guy working in his barn or
something, but it was not terribly expensive, even though the hand brake
cable was threaded thru that gas tank (or something like that)

As far as I could tell, he used solder to fix it, maybe with patches

Downside, I guess he messed up the fuel pickup, because from then on
hard right turns (like ramps at 40...) when i was down to 2-3 gallons
the pump would suck dry and the engine would croak until things got
straight again.

Huw Powell



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