Stumblin, bumblin, fumblin, 5KTQ
Stacy Anable
qturbo at
Thu Feb 14 21:42:02 EST 2002
its only expensive if you buy it from the dealer, which you should avoid
buying ANY audi parts from unless you absolutly have to, they generally take
you to the cleaners (there are exceptions, but none that i have had
experience with). if you get it from its only 30 bucks and
from blau for 49. plus shipping of course. but still far under 100+ that it
can run at the dealer
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brett Dikeman" <brett at>
To: "Stacy Anable" <qturbo at>; "Ron Katona"
<rkatona at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: Stumblin, bumblin, fumblin, 5KTQ
> At 6:56 PM -0800 2/14/02, Stacy Anable wrote:
> >you might try checking the "michelin man" hose that goes from the
> >intercooler to throttle body, when mine went i could still get some boost
> >but the car ran like crap and the mileage went to hell. just grab it and
> >to stick you fingers through the bottom of it, this is typically where it
> >goes bad, and if you grab it firmly and try to stick you fingers into the
> >bottom of the hose you will generally find the hole.
> I recommend actually pulling the hose off the car, cleaning it(use
> simple green or similar degreaser, even just dish soap), and
> inspecting all surfaces under a good light etc; pull/push/prod the
> hose while looking for any splits.
> The whole thing should take 15 minutes at most.
> Actually, there is one other reason for pulling it off the car.
> Typically when leaks develop, some oil vapor gets out around the
> split/tear, and that oil vapor collects dust. Looking the hose over
> quickly before cleaning may instantly reveal the tear.
> BTW Ron, this is by far not the only thing that could be wrong, but
> it's one of the most common. Unfortunately, that hose is expensive,
> over $100 :(
> Brett
> --
> ----
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin
> (PGP Public Key)
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