adjusting hood release cable

Konstantin Bogach konstantin.bogach at
Fri Feb 15 10:48:11 EST 2002

Huw, thank you for the response.  This morning I tried one more time to figure
out what's wrong and I was not able to do that.  It upset me because I did not
expect this to be a problem.  I should look more carefully how cable moves at
the point where it is attached to lever under dash.  What puzzle me (for now)
is that while I pull internal metal cable the black shell moves under the hood
first pushing left spring lock and when the latter comes to stop and shell can
not move further then internal metal cable moves and pull right spring lock.
In this scenario the right spring lock does not move at all on my car because
when left spring lock comes to stop the release lever under the dash went all
the way and there is no room to pull more.

Konstantin Bogach.

Huw Powell wrote:

> > All of sudden (after I removed and put back the lever inside) hood
> > refused to be released.  I found that right latch does not move enough.
> > When the right latch come to stop right one start to move, right? Is is
> > how it works?   When I tried to shorten cable moving bolt&nut stop under
> >
> > the hood (at the end of cable) then left side latch moves to open
> > position and never lock  the hood.  I did not get how to adjust it.  I
> > will appreciate if someone explain it to me.
> You were trying the right thing, the cable should be taut against both
> spring/release levers when at rest.
> The levers are supposed to move at the same time, but usually on older
> cars you get the click-kerchunk effect of one releasing, then the
> other.  New spring/release levers in Brendan's 4kq made it work like
> new, btw.  My 90Q used to work at the same time until I took the front
> apart to do the timing belt &c., now it's a double-clicker like all the
> others.
> You could try a bit of cleaning and lubing of the spring/lever things
> and hood pins to see how that works.
> The hood pins are also adjustable in 3 dimensions.
> It is best, if playing with these things to try to get them perfect, to
> do it with the grille off to allow manual override access to the
> releases.
> --
> Huw Powell

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