Fwd: [V6-12v] I decided on the Bilsteins

Sean Ford audi_92_100cs at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 15 12:09:49 EST 2002

I forgot to add in the main list before sending this...

--- Sean Ford <audi_92_100cs at yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Sean Ford <audi_92_100cs at yahoo.com>
> To: 12vList <v6-12v at audifans.com>
> Subject: [V6-12v] I decided on the Bilsteins
> Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 11:05:54 -0800 (PST)
> I've just returned from Shine Racing Services (I love saying that),
> to
> have them repair a coolant leak (turned out to be a fan switch seal,
> 30
> minutes of labor charge for the whole thing). While I was there I
> scheduled my new shock installation for Thurs., 2/28... Bilsteins.
> Not the sports, just your everyday Bilsteins, and I decided not to
> lower it so no springs. Not only am I happy with the price on the
> parts, $125 each on the front and $123 each on the rear, the labor is
> estimated to be 4 hours @ $60/hr. I'm looking at an estimate of $740.
> On the high side, let's say $800. The part of this equation that
> can't
> be measured, however, is the fact that this shop LOVES suspension set
> up, I'm sure they'll do a bang up job (poor choice of words, but you
> get my drift). This is going to be a long 2 weeks.
> Oh, and one other reason why I love this shop... while I'm there to
> pick up my car, I notice a Blaufergnunen catalog (never knew there
> was
> such a thing) on the desk. I start discussing parts prices and find
> out
> that they know of all the cool parts places on the web (Adirondack
> got
> a special mention). I've NEVER been to a garage that actively
> searched
> out good parts places with cheap prices. This, my friends, is still
> my
> dream garage, and I CAN'T BELIEVE that it's practically in my back
> yard. Did I mention that it's only a 35 minute WALK between my house
> and that garage?! As I'm leaving, Dick Shine, the owner, tells me
> that
> he JUST picked up a '91 90q20v as his personal ride. I'm in heaven.
> If anyone is in the metroBoston area, I HIGHLY recommend this shop.
> Shine Racing Services, 8 Production Rd, Walpole, MA. 508-660-7974.
> http://www.srsvw.com. I'll be passing that recommendation onto Dan
> and/or Brett to make sure that SRS is on the "Recommended Repair
> Shops"
> page.
> Jim Griffin, sorry I never got out to your house to check out the
> ride
> in your 100, but I STILL want to come over and see that S2.
> I'll report back after I enter the world of the non-floating Audi.

Sean Ford
audi_92_100CS at yahoo.com
'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd non-q
'00 Triumph Daytona 955i
'89 Suzuki Katana 600

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