4kqt test drive?? Boston area?

Marc Swanson marcswanson at mediaone.net
Sun Feb 17 23:34:24 EST 2002

> I thought the rumors of vaporising tires in second and even third would
> be enough.  I think Javad was having a problem melting clutches...  I
> briefly drove Marc's when it was just a "stock" MC setup (with some
> p&p?)

yes, my car had some p&p work on the head when you drove it.  Otherwise
mostly a "stock" MC setup.  I distinctly remember Huw driving on roads
familiary to him but unfamiliar to me.. you know.. when somebody flies up on
a curve that you've never seen before you have to feel that sinking feeling
in your gut.  There was a nice banked corner that we came up on around Huw's
house that gave me such a feeling.  Something about 80 or 90 in a 35

> and it was certainly quick... but it's gonna be a lot quicker.

If all goes well!  I've been pretty busy so I haven't had a chance to work on
the car as much as I like.  Then again I create a lot more work for myself
that necessary by feeding my little pet peeves like shortening stock wiring
that is too long or removing wiring that I no longer use on my setup.

> > I would have to drive, or al least be driven in one to
> > truly be sold.
> but no one is trying to sell you on doing it...

> > There is no point to build one of these beasts if it
> > is not legal.

Should be able to slide by if you've got an inspection station that only
cares about the numbers on the screen.  Retain the cat and a reasonable
crankcase fume recovery system and you should be fine.

87 4ktq
88 90q

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