4kqt test drive?? Boston area?

Chris Semple chris at force5auto.com
Mon Feb 18 10:24:02 EST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
> Behalf Of Aaron Ryba

> I am severly addicted to the idea of performing the MC
> engine convert as well as EFI on my 87 4kq.
> Large dollar signs and huge committments of time are
> floating about in my head.
> I was interested with some of the feedback from the
> posting requesting the performance results from some
> conversions, yet I did not read anything that had
> really impressed me enough to justify the conversion.
> I would have to drive, or al least be driven in one to
> truly be sold.

> Is there anyone in the Northeast who might own one of
> these sacred machines? Might you be interested in
> showing off your mechanical prowess?

Hi Aaron, while I'm sure that my car doesn't qualify as "engineering
prowess" in any sense of the word, it is an interesting design study in the
breed. You're welcome to trek 50mins north of Boston and go for a drive
sometime. It's an example of what can be done on a 76hr deadline. And
frankly, she'd like a good flogging since she's mad at me for not clearing
the schedule for Steamboat this year. The "better" example of a production
install is the one we did for Tim Oneil's driving school in Franconia NH,
I'm sure Tim would be happy to demo it if you ring him up sometime.

Chris Semple
Concord NH
'84 4000tq Lightweight
   misc q's

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