90q missing on cyl 5...more help needed

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon Feb 18 11:06:49 EST 2002

Several years ago my '84 4kq did this (I still miss that car).  When driving
in the rain, it would sometimes buck and idle poorly, necessitating pulling
over for a  few minutes.  A dealer eventually fixed it by repairing
electrical connections to the fuel pump, including sealing the wires from
the elements, if I remember correctly.  HTH.

'84 ur
'98 A4

Message: 6
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 06:36:53 -0500
To: Dave Hord <spokes at mail.the-wire.com>, quattro at audifans.com
From: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at traverse.com>
Subject: Re: 90q missing on cyl. 5...more help needed

At 11:15 PM 02/17/2002 -0500, Dave Hord wrote:

>Car: 1989 90 quattro.
>I posted this problem last month, in the last two weeks of January.  Car is
>2.3L non-turbo.
>When it's wet out (raining, snowing) the car starts to miss on one or two
>cylinders.  In January the miss seemed specific to cylinder #5.
>I have replaced, at the recommendation of the list, the following:
>Spark Plugs
>Spark Plug Wires - Installed with di-electric grease.
>I have checked the hall sender wires, and connection...and these _seem_
>though I'm not 100% positive of this...how can I be without replacing them?
>The problem seemed to be MUCH better, but not perfect the first week...mind
>you, it never got that wet.  In the past week we've had rain, snow and
>then wet-
>snow turning into rain.
>Problem was present.  Car will miss and run really rough at idle. Pushing
>the gas will cause the engine to stumble and miss further, back-fire into
>exhaust manifold and such.  Give it FULL throttle and the car will stumble
>a quarter of a second and rev right up smooth for you.  Keep it above
>and it's the smooth 5cyl I remember.  Let it drop to idle, and it's ugly.
>If the car sits overnight, problem is gone in the morning...UNLESS the air
>still damp. Then problem _might_ remain.
>Given the above..what ELSE could it be???

Before my 200q20v's fuel pump died, I had similar intermittent poor
operation in really damp circumstances.  I bought new wires, plugs, cap and
rotor but didn't get them installed before the pump coughed its last bit of
fuel.  Since completing the pump replacement, there's been no such poor
performance in the wet.   Have you checked fuel pressure?


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