musings on the rs6
Tom Nas
tnas at
Mon Feb 18 19:43:13 EST 2002
David Eaton <deaton at> wrote:
>most notable for me though is the "drc" system. this is citroen-esque in
>that it links the shocks diagonally and moves oil from one to the other to
>avoid pitch (imo, the bugbear of most modern audi's since the ur-q, s3
>excepted) and roll. these are "almost entirely eliminated" according to the
>pr blurb. this sounds very interesting, and hopefully signals similar
>developments on other cars.
I hope they won't make it too Citroenesque. I've never driven a Citro that
wasn't bereft of all road feel. In fact I've once completely destroyed a
tyre and a rim on a BX because I didn't notice I had a flat, the vague,
floaty feel was its usual behaviour.
I like my unsophisticated, basic 80. It might lean while cornering but you
always know what it's doing. No power steering might be irritating when
you're making u-turns or parking but it's great once you're rolling...
Regards, Tom
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