e-brake question

Konstantin Bogach kbogach at comcast.net
Mon Feb 18 19:02:50 EST 2002

Can it be fixed if I dislodged the rod? How difficult to rebuild a cliper? Is
it big saving compare to buying a rebuilt caliper?

Konstantin Bogach.

Jim Haseltine wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Konstantin Bogach" <kbogach at comcast.net>
> > I tried to clean e-brake cams today using instructions on www.urs4.com
> > by Fred Munro (very good instructions with pics).  When I pried one cam
> > out (~1/2'', after removing bolt and spring), sprayed penetrating oil,
> > turned it on/off several times and had to stop working as friends came
> > and I could not refuse to play tennis.  Because I don't have garage I
> > had to put everything back together.  I was not able to push cam back in
> > even though it rotates freely.  I did not use anything abrasive yet to
> > clean the cam, just wiped it with cloth.  I pushed really hard but in
> > vain. Could it be something worse  than corroded surface?
> I think that 1/2" is a bit too far, you may have dislodged the piston
> operating rod inside the caliper. I'd suspect that's why you can't push the
> cam back in.
> >
> > I noticed some rubber seal on the cam.  Does it seal brake fluid insided
> > the caliper?
> > The seal is in bad shape. Is it replacable?
> Yes and Yes. Problem is finding them, AFAIK they are only avalable in some
> Girling caliper re-seal kits.
> Regards,
> Jim Haseltine

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