e-brake question

Tony Lum tlum at flash.net
Tue Feb 19 11:47:44 EST 2002


Just for the record, the seal on the e-brake shaft is a 16 x 24 x 07 (id x
od x w metric).  I obtained double lip seals ("ETC" configuration) from EPM
Inc. www.epm.com This applies to the V8 calipers so far, I haven't verified
them on the G38 calipers used in most other rear applications because I
haven't been able to dismantle the rust seized spare unit I have yet.  They
cost a small fortune (~$9 each, min order 10), but that still beats the
price of one re-built caliper. YMMV with the local seal guy.  Fortunately,
the V8 calipers despite their initial outward appearance are clean on the
inside.  The outside housings now look almost good as new with a few hours
(!) of bead blasting.  The shafts on the e-brake arms took the majority of
the damage from the seal failure and I've clean those up fairly well.  The
double lip seal allows one to pack grease between the lips to assist in
keeping out dirt.  The latter tip is from a UK based seal company.

Regards and HTH,


Tony Lum                                  1987 5000CS Turbo Quattro
Berkeley, California, U.S.A.                1985 4000CS Quattro
Audi Owner/Driver/Mechanic by Necessity ;^)   1980 5000S Sedan
QCUSA Member #6885                             1987.5 Coupe GT
                                                 1983 Ur-quattro

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