90q missing on cyl 5...(con't)

Dave Hord spokes at mail.the-wire.com
Wed Feb 20 22:33:09 EST 2002

This thread is about to expand a little into all the work I'm doing on the
car.  I'll write about the engine missing first, so that those who only want to
follow that part of the thread can...

First off -> I think I mistakinly wrote in a past email that the multifunction
sensor was toast...It's actually the temperature _gauge_ that's not working...I
don't know if it's the sender, gauge or wire...but as I understand it the temp
gauge in the '89 90q has it's own sensor.

Anyways, back to the electrical problem.  First thing I noticed under the car:
My new skid plate for rallying, which replaces the stock plastic 'skid plate',
lets a HELL of a lot of dirt/snow and stuff into EVERYWHERE... There was mud
packed up against the block at the bottom of the dipstick.  I think I know what
the problem with teh plate is, and will modify it tomorrow.  However, this
could be a cause of where all teh moisture comes from...

I have checked the fuel pump connection.  The negative wire was all 'twisted'
where it left the connector. I figured what the heck, might as well try to un-
do it.  Well, the insulation peeled and broke, and the wire underneath is a
very dark black colour.  I then pulled the positive connection and noticed
something VERY interesting...It appears that the connectors are not the same.
Teh positive is very clearly assembled correctly, while the negative connection
appears that it wasn't pushed all the way into the holder correctly. Another
point of interest is the fact that the o-ring at the bottom of the neg.
connection was split and almost falling off.  Lots of wet crud embedded around
here as well.

I think(!) I may have found the problem!! Which leads me to another...Where can
I get one of these connectors?  I doubt the dealer...should I go wrecker
hunting tomorrow with some side cutters?

Now, the other stuff!

1) Rear diff - I'm replacing rear diff fluid...I hope.  Fill plug is out with
no problems.  Drain plug is rusted badly and VERY frozen in the diff.
Penetrating oil was used...with no effect 4 hours later.  I don't want to use
an impact because the 17mm socket doesn't fit perfectly in this plug.  Any
ideas?  If I _have_ to I'll pump out as much of the old fluid as possible and
then fill...but the drain plug would obviously be best!

2) Is there a way to test the temperature gauge sender so I know if it's bad?

That's it...for now.

Today I was able to:

Replace Tranny Fluid
Epoxy Left Engine Mount
Oil Change
Fluids Top-up
Play with the rear diff, fuel pump, a few switches and connectors...


89 90q  purrs like kitten...okay, a LOUD kitten.

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