Euro lenses only?
Per Lindgren
lindgre at
Fri Feb 22 02:00:14 EST 2002
That little piece of metal is not a reflector. It's just a cap to keep
light from going to the lower half of the light. This light would
otherwise be reflected upwards, into the air, and would blind other
drivers, and if foggy it would blind you.
Kev the Brit wrote:
>You are all forgetting the bulb....H4.
>It has a reflector built in and that is very significant in making the
>Euro's work well. Light energy is directed, not scattered and wasted. The
>reflector and lens finish off a perfect job.
>>Its not the lenses that make the Euro lights better its the REFLECTORS.
>>Actually it's BOTH! The lenses diffuse the light from the superior
>>reflectors in a different pattern than DOT's.
>Kevin Phillips AIM quattrohead
>Western Massachusetts
>1998 A6 Avant 62,000m
>1995 900 SET 118,000m
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