Powersteering - again? - thanks!

Iain Mannix mannix at rmsolo.org
Fri Jan 4 09:03:39 EST 2002

Hi all; update on my latest PS problem.  It was the pump, a rather
seized one at that.

I got a reman pump, put it in at lunch yesterday.  The old pump
is dead, I'm afraid - turning it clockwise, it simply gets tighter
and tighter, until I cannot turn it by hand.  I needed BIG
channel locks to turn the pulley flange enough to access a 13mm
bolt holding the bracket on the pump - no wonder I smelled burning

Nice design on the part of Audi - the front seal leaked enough to
lube the belt up enough to let it slip;).  New pump, new fluid,
took a while for the brake circuit to start working (I did prefill
the pump, but not enough?), everything seems fine now.  For now:).

Thanks for all the insight - I probably would have come to the
correct conclusion without the list's help, but the wealth of
knowledge is very much appreciated!

Iain Mannix

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